Sunday, January 31, 2016

Writing, writing, writing!

My goal for this year was to increase our amount of time writing. One way to do this, was to incorporate a variety of ways to write as a transition activity into the classroom each day. We have student-sized chalk boards and chalk, magnadoodles, dry erase markers, the Smartboard, and now clipboards.

Switching up the variety of materials makes it fun and interesting for children and we can save their work or take pictures. We still have a journaling time where they write in a notebook, so this is in addition to that. The downside is that students who arrive to school late (typical for many) are missing this extra writing time. 

After our long 3 week holiday break, my coteacher and I created daily sign-in sheets for everyone for the second year because it was so effective last school year. This is a way they automatically practice writing their name every day! So far, I am pleased with the results as many of them have made very noticeable progress in writing and fine motor muscle control:)

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